Department of medical surgical Nursing, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (732 Views)
Introduction: Despite the design of various pain tools in children, pain management is still a caring challenge. Since information gathering is one of the most important steps in research, using precision tools is crucial to ensure the validity and reliability of research results. Therefore, this review article aims to investigate the psychometric properties of pain instruments in children in Iranian studies. Method: In this review study, articles from Persian and English databases (Iranmedex, Irandoc Magiran, SID and Pubmed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Ovid with keywords "nursing, pain" 'Iran and children' and 'Nursing, Pain, Instruments, Psychiatry and Children' have been searched for in the last decade. A total of 151 articles, considering the inclusion criteria, 30 articles were selected and 13 pain assessment tools were analyzed. Finding: The results showed that the most commonly used instruments were the "Pain Behavioral Response Scale" and "Vang Becker Emotion Rating Scale". The results showed that only one study reported complete validity and reliability in one study. In 35% of the articles, there was no explanation for psychometric evidence including validity and reliability, and in many cases either partially measured reliability or relied on internal or external sources. In this case, we have the following: Conclusion: The results showed that the psychometric properties of most child pain instruments in Iran have not been fully performed. Due to the importance of psychometric tools and their impact on the results of the studies, it is necessary to focus more on the research methodological issues in using valid and reliable tools in research and on the necessity of psychometric evaluation. Emphasize the precision of the tool before using it. Therefore, further studies in this area are recommended.
gholami S, khanali L. A Review on the Validity and Reliability of Pediatric Pain Assessment Tools in Iranian Studies. JPEN 2024; 11 (1) :1-16 URL: