Hamadan University of Medical Sciences , aminiroy@gmail.com
Abstract: (9506 Views)
Introduction: The growth of children is a health indicator at each country and growth monitoring has a great importance. This study was done to Compare anthropometric indices of 13-15 year-old students with NCHS standards .
Method :In this cross-sectional study , 370 middle school girls in Hamadan selected based on cluster random multistage sampling . Data was gathered through questionnaire . To demonstrate the status of physical growth , weight, height and BMI was assessed and then it was compared with NCHS standards. The analysis of data was done through statistic tests ( Regression and T test ) by using SPSS (16).
Results: The average weight, height and BMI was 48/25kg , 154/95 cm and 19/60 kg/cm2.The weight of 18/56% of students was below the 5th percentile and 3/7% higher than the 95th percentile.The height of 15/16% of student was below the 5th percentile, and 2/1% higher than the 95th percentile of the National Center for Health Statistics(NCHS), respectively Statistical tests showed significant relationship between family members , family income and consumption of creal with height and also family income and mother's working hours, with BMI.(P<0/05)
Conclusions: Because of lowering of height charts comparing to NCHS standard we recommend health promotion of parents and outhorities in schools.
amini R, Omidi A, Amini R, Moghimbeigi A. Comparison of anthropometric indices of 13-15 year-old female students with NCHS standards in Hamadan city . JPEN 2016; 2 (3) :64-71 URL: http://jpen.ir/article-1-116-en.html