Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (8285 Views)
Introduction: Tonsillectomy is a painful but common surgical procedure in children whichrequires adequate pain relief to facilitate the recovery process. One of the main roles of nurses is to use non pharmacological treatment of pain. Therefore, the present study aimed at determining the effects of mother’s voice on pediatrics’ pain in tonsillectomy surgery.
Method: This quasi-experimental study was performed on 60 patients aged between 4 to 8 years undergoing tonsillectomy. Samples were randomly allocated to two groups of control and intervention. measuring tools included a demographic questionnaire, FLACC pain scale, Oucher self-report pain scale. In this study mother’s voice was recorded and then played for the child through a headphone. The first phase was a 15 minutes normal talking from separating the child and mother till the start of the surgery and the second phase was reading a relaxing passage for 5 minutes after the end of surgery till the entrance of child to the recovery room. Flacc score in recovery was recorded so was the Oucher self-report pain score, 6 hours after surgery
Result: Findings revealed that postoperative pain score between the two groups there was a significant difference )p<0.005(.
Conclusion: The result indicated that use of mother’s voice cause pain decrease in children under tonsillectomy. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce pain in children in outpatient procedures such as tonsillectomy mother's voice to be used.