Instructor, MSc in Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran ,
Abstract: (6229 Views)
Introduction: Assessing the evolutionary process of children is a reliable means of checking their health status. Because early diagnosis of developmental disorders and timely treatment of it can prevent irreversible neurological complications and disorders.
Method: This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study. The research community of children aged 4 to 24 months is covered by health centers in Jahrom. Sampling was done as a simple sampling. The instrument used in this study was an Age and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ), which was completed to study growth and development by Parents. Each questionnaire has 30 questions and evaluates individual-social domains, delicate movements, large movements, communication, and problem solving. Results: Of the 155 children ,102 cases were female (58%) and 53 cases boys (30%). The mean age of the children was 5 ± 10 months.Most children in the age range of 12 months (36 %) . The lowest score was related to communicating (52.4 ± 7.50) and the highest score was for problem solving (56.7 ± 5.01). Conclusion: According to the results of this study, evolutionary delay was observed in children. It is recommended that they be identified as soon as possible so that they are treated before entering school and prevent future educational, social and occupational problems.
Ghorbanzadeh M, Nasimi F, zeraati H. Survey of growth and development in children 4 to 24 months covered by health centers in Jahrom based on age-stage Questionnaire. JPEN 2018; 5 (1) :61-68 URL: