Associate professor, Department of psychology, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qum, Iran ,
Abstract: (1102 Views)
Introduction: Children with dysgraphia have some problems with motor skills and self-regulation. The aim of this study was to predict working memory (visual-spatial) based on motor skills and self-regulation from the perspective of Barkley's theory in children with dysgraphia aged 8-12 years old. Methods: This study was a correlational study. The study sample consisted of 150 male students who were referred to the Goftegoo clinic and were selected by convenience sampling method. For data collection, diagnostic dysgraphia test, Bronineks-Ozertsky motor skills test, Beaufort self-regulatory questionnaire and Andre Rayspatial-visual memory test were used. Results: %33 of the variance of working memory can be explained based on the linear combination of large and fine motor skills variables in the selective attention test.59% of the variance of spatial-visual working memory can be explained based on the linear combination of variables of cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies. Conclusion: The variables of motor skills and self-regulation have a significant role in predicting spatial-visual memory.
momeni M S, zargham hajebi M, monirpoor N. Predicting working Memory (Visual-Spatial) Based on Motor Skills and Self-Regulation from the perspective of Barkly theory in Dysgraphia Children 8-12 Years old. JPEN 2022; 9 (1) :1-11 URL: