Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan Branch, Iran. ,
Abstract: (3170 Views)
Introduction: Book as Therapy is a tool to put you in touch with books that are helpful to read when facing certain problems. So the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of book therapy on shyness and social adjustment of students. Methods: The research method was semi-experimental with pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of Sama girl students in Rafsanjan city who were 220 in the academic year of 2018-2019. The sample size for initial screening according to Morgan's table was 136 people. Among them, 40 people who had the highest score in the shyness questionnaire or the lowest score in social adjustment were willing to cooperate with the researcher, Then, these 40 subjects were completely randomized to two experimental and control groups. And the experimental group received a book in the course of eight 60-minute sessions based on the Lindy Bookstore Protocol (1993). The control group did not receive any treatment during the course. To collect the data, a Zombardi Shyness Questionnaire (1990) and Social Adjustment Questionnaire. When Sins (1993) has been used. For analyzing the data, descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation and MANCOVA were used by SPSS-25 software. Results: The results showed that book therapy had a significant effect on shrinkage in children and its effect was 85.5%. Also, the therapeutic book has had a significant effect on increasing children social adjustment and its impact was 75.7%. Conclusions: Book Therapy has created a framework for transformation with Symbols and Meanings and help to treatment reduces shyness and increases social adjustment.
Ahmadkhosravi S, Zalpour M, Robati F A. Effect of Book Therapy on Shyness and Social Adjustment in Elementary School of Sama. JPEN 2021; 7 (2) :21-29 URL: