MSc Student in Nursing, Student Research Committee, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran. ,
Abstract: (6256 Views)
Introduction: Adolescence is one of the most sensitive and most critical stages of human life. An entry in this period, most people are faced with numerous problems including low self-esteem stems. This study aimed to determine the role of attachment styles and personality characteristics in adolescents' self-esteem in Gonabad in 2017. Method: This study is analytical and cross-sectional and correlational study that on 202 adolescents studying in high school of Gonabad in 2017 was conducted. The samples were selected by random cluster sampling data through Rosenberg Self- Esteem, Collins and Reid attachment styles and NEO Personality questionnaires were collected. Then, with linear regression, Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test and ANOVA tests were analyzed. P-Value at the less level than 0/05 was considered significant. Results: Between secure and insecure attachment styles with self-esteem in a positive and significant relationship and between anxious attachment styles with self-esteem negative significant relationship there is. In addition to, between the scope of extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness with self-esteem there is a positive and significant relationship and between self-esteem with neuroticism scope there is negative and significant relationship. Conclusion: Regarding the results, hence should be using psychologists, counselors and other effective professionals, to the education of parents and those involved in the educational system with a focus on "how to train children and students with secure attachment styles and personality characteristics positive predictor self-esteem" was taken to prevent the formation of some problems this time.
Najafi S, ebrahimi N, Hajivosough N S, NamaeiQasemnia A, Mohseni M, KhoshdastKakhki M. The role of attachment styles and personality characteristics in adolescent’s self-esteem. JPEN 2019; 6 (1) :23-30 URL: