Introduction : Families and parents with infants who hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) needs emotional support team and information about their baby's condition which can be achieved in different ways. The purpose of this study was to determine the availability and use of the internet among these parents.
Methods: By simple sampling method ,100 mothers that their infants were admitted to the NICU’s of hospitals in Tehran and Karaj during of three months in 1392, have been considered. Data were collected via the researcher maid questionnaire after initial evaluation of reliability and viability. In addition to the demographic variables, the information regarding to access to the computer and usage of internet also considered. The relationship between the levels of maternal education and the use of internet to get information was evaluated.
Results: The average of maternal age was 29.40 ± 5.5. 38.8% of these maternal education was under diploma, % 49.5 had diploma and 11.7% had university degrees. 87.7% were housewives and 12.6% were employed that 37.9% of these mothers had used the internet. 82% of mothers showed their interest to use the site to get information about the status of their infants with significant relation between maternal educations and using the internet (P<0.001).
Conclusion: According to this preliminary study, average the internet access of mothers was 37.9%. But, most of these mothers had used the internet to get information, and they were interested to obtain information about their infants from the internet. This survey could be assessed more population and to create a site for further useful training.
Kadivar M, Seyedfatemi N, Mokhlesabadi Farahani T. The use of virtual space among the hospitalized infants’ mothers in the NICU: Results of a preliminary study. JPEN 2015; 1 (3) :1-7 URL: