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:: Volume 10, Issue 2 (winter 2024) ::
JPEN 2024, 10(2): 78-88 Back to browse issues page
Comparing the effectiveness of motivational self-regulation strategies and self-compassion training on resilience students with low academic performance
Hessam Pourshalchi , Masoumeh Azmoudeh , Seyed Davoud Hosseininasab
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran , mas_azemod@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1298 Views)
Introduction: Resilience is the ability of people to effectively adapt to the environment exposed to dangerous factors. The purpose of this research was to compare the effectiveness of teaching self-regulation strategies, motivation, and self-compassion on the resilience of male secondary school students with low academic performance.
Methods: The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test, and post-test design with a control group. The subjects of the research included 90 students of the 11th grade of boys' high schools with low academic performance in Tabriz in the academic year of 1402-1401, which were selected by cluster random method and randomly placed in each of the experimental and control groups. The first group received a training course on self-regulating motivational strategies in 10 sessions, the second group underwent 10 sessions of self-compassion training, and the third group (control) continued with their normal classroom programs at the same time. The tool used included the Connor and Davidson resilience questionnaire. Data was analyzed using the covariance test at a significance level of 0.05.
Results: The group that used self-regulation strategies of motivation saw an increase in their resilience scores from an initial mean (standard deviation) of (13.8) 53.7 before the intervention to (16.5) 64 after the intervention. Similarly, the self-compassion group also showed an increase in their resilience scores from an initial mean (standard deviation) of (14.5) 52.5 before the intervention to (16.6. 69) after the intervention. Data analysis using univariate covariance analysis showed that self-regulation strategies of motivation and self-compassion have different effects on resilience and self-compassion training is more effective in increasing resilience.
Conclusion: Planning for interventions to promote literacy among low-achieving male students appears to be more effective if further education is needed. It is recommended that these two trainings be used in schools to improve the resilience of students with low academic performance.
Keywords: motivational self-regulation strategies - self-compassion - resilience
Full-Text [PDF 278 kb]   (613 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/08/23 | Accepted: 2023/10/6 | Published: 2024/01/30
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Pourshalchi H, Azmoudeh M, Hosseininasab S D. Comparing the effectiveness of motivational self-regulation strategies and self-compassion training on resilience students with low academic performance. JPEN 2024; 10 (2) :78-88
URL: http://jpen.ir/article-1-746-en.html

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Volume 10, Issue 2 (winter 2024) Back to browse issues page
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